Setup to edit this page

  1. Install obsidian
  2. Install git
  3. Get invited to vlab-kaist Organization
  4. Clone the VLMS repository and open it with obsidian.
  5. Install obsidian community plugin ‘Git’.
  6. Set up your access token and edit the markdown files.
  7. Use obsidian command ‘Git: create backup’ to push. Pushing will automatically build and deploy edited version.


  • You should pull repository before you edit. Settings of plugin ‘Git’ (Pull updates on startup) will be useful.
  • ‘Github Publisher’ plugin can make error when collaborating, avoid using it.

Setup to preview

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Run ‘npm ci’ to install dependencies.
  3. Run following command to preview page at your local machine.
npx quartz build --serve